
The Vision: Poverty alleviation to wealth creation Within 5 years 40,000 farmers will be out of poverty by growing and trading food crops selected and marketed by Farmers Own. Expansion into fruit and other crops plus processing of produce will bring further major income benefits to poor rural communities. Farmers will build their own businesses with help in organisation, management and marketing see

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Distributing Seed to Farmers in West Kenya

Seed Distribution on 24 October:

We have as of today managed to deliver 288Kgs of sunflower seed to the three FAA co-ordinators for sale to their respective farmers as requested. Kenya Seed sold to Farmers Own at Kshs.150/kg. Progress on the sales will be monitored on phone and more seed will be delivered promptly upon request by the co-ordinators. The rain patterns have been erratic and the farmers are a bit cautious on when to plant. Certain areas like Abdi's FAA-Lugari district received rains in September and some farmers bought seeds on their own and planted. We are yet to ascertain the actual numbers and acreages from the co-ordinator. In Bungoma, there is a general concern that the seeds have come in a bit late into the season but there are still good prospects since sales began immediately the seeds arrived.


At 11:22 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi I would like to purchase a sizeable quantity of sunflower from farmers in Lugari. Kindly contact me on


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